The Process & Pricing

Every client, every need and every job is different. Regardless, I try to simplify the process so every client has the same pleasant experience. The typical process works like this:

  1. All new clients complete a one-page client questionnaire. This just helps me understand your business and your needs. For websites, there is an additional one-page questionnaire regarding things like hosting and domain names.
  2. I will meet with you, either in person or over the phone, to help expand on any bits of information I think would be helpful to best address your need(s), as well as answer any questions you might have. (Please ask, I love talking about what I do!)
  3. Based on both the questionnaire and our meeting, I'll send you a contract and proposal with a quote, deadlines and a payment schedule clearly noted so we both know exactly what to expect. I love deadlines – like, loooove them. My workflow depends on them and I know clients appreciate having a schedule.
  4. Once the contract is signed and initial payment is made, I'll gather any needed items from you (like text copy for websites or brochures, logos, photos, etc.) and start designing what you need. Built into the contract/proposal will be the schedule for the rest of the process.

After delivery, if you need something else – whether related to your original service or a whole new project – let me know! For websites, if there is a technical issue not related to the design work, I can try to put you in contact with your service provider. If you need to order more business cards, I'll get them to the printer. I love what I do and I want you to love it too!

Best Practices and Advice

I have 20 years of experience in design, communications and marketing. I will advise you on best practices for reaching your audience to help them understand your message (e.g., simplifying profession-specific phrases). I do this because I care about the success of your business as much as my own. For extensive assistance, see Copy Writing and Editing below.

With regard to imagery, I work hard to understand what your audience is looking, as well as what may be a turn-off for would-be customers. This may include everything from photography style to color palettes.

Copy Writing and Editing

I want you to sound like the pro you are. From website text to polishing your reports and presentations, I can help you tell your story. Most clients prefer AP Style but I can also use in-house styles. Basic proofreading is included with designs, as well as the advising noted above, but if you'd like more extensive assistance I am happy to discuss options for incorporating that into your quote.


I put this at the bottom because I wanted you to see the rest of this page first.

Below is typical pricing - but price may be different based on your particular needs. No two jobs are the same so some variation can occur depending on the scale, scope or simplicity of your project, and possibly your industry.

It is my duty to adequately estimate time and resources needed to complete your job. To do so, I will rely on information you provide. Although exceeding rare, incomplete information provided prior to the quote that results in substantially more time or addtional resources than originally quoted will require a new quote. In that case, I will make contact as soon as possible to discuss options.



  • Includes two version (e.g., color/monochrome, full/condensed, horizontal/vertical)
  • Includes two pre-final revisions, one minor post-final revision
  • Deliverable in PNG and EPS


Business Stationery

  • Client provides logo/branding in EPS (see Miscellaneous Design Work for format conversion cost)
  • Includes business card, letterhead and note card templates
  • Includes two pre-final revisions, one minor post-final revision
  • Deliverable in PDF or can be sent to printer (client pays printing cost)


Single Piece

  • e.g., advertisement, postcard, invitation, hand-card or flier
  • Client provides information for or entire text copy and images; basic editing included
  • Includes two pre-final revisions, one minor post-final revision
  • Deliverable in PDF or can be sent to printer (client pays printing cost)


Multi-page Piece

  • e.g., booklet, report, presentation or newsletter
  • Client provides all text copy; basic editing included, copywriting may be included at an additional cost
  • Includes two revisions
  • Deliverable in PDF or can be sent to printer (client pays printing cost)

$750 overall design
+$25 per text-only page
+$75 per 25%+ graphics page

Design charge may be reduced for updates to or work within an existing working template.


  • Client provides all text copy; basic editing included; full copywriting can be included at an additional cost
  • Copy writing/editing billed at $80 per hour (rounded to whole hours)
  • Includes one pre-final revision each to one home page and one internal page layout design 
  • Client maintains hosting/URL ownership or hosting and registration can be included at an additional annual cost (price based on hosting needs, will be included in th quote)
  • $80 per hour per page template for future design updates (rounded to whole hours)
  • Annual maintenance for one year included; annual maintenance fee required after first year

$3,500 overall design
+$250 per page

Design charge may be reduced for work on a funtioning site only requiring updates.

Miscellaneous Design Work

e.g., photo editing, photography, graphic format conversion or other work not listed above

$50 per hour
(rounded to whole hours)



Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

© Curse Creative, LLC